从事内分泌、代谢性疾病临床、教学、科研工作十余年。擅长于糖尿病及其它代谢性疾病(如痛风、高脂血症),垂体疾病、甲状腺疾病、肾上腺疾病疾病、性腺疾病等疑难、重症的诊治。留学美国获硕士学位。现任广东省医学会糖尿病专业委员会青年委员,深圳市医学会内分泌专业委员会委员,在省部级以上期刊上发表重要论文10余篇,曾参与及主持承担部级、市级科研项目多项。 Wei Lan, Associate Chief Physician of Endocrinology and metabolic diseases, has been practicing clinically and teaching for over 10 years, specializes in diagnosing and treating diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, pituitary diseases, adrenal diseases, gonad diseases, gout and dyslipidemia, hyperuricaemia. She is currently the committee youth member of Guangdong Medical Association Diabetes Mellitus Specialty Committee, committee member of Shenzhen Medical Association Endocrinology Specialty Committee. She had been engaged in post-graduate study in U.S.A., and had been Primary Researcher for several scientific researches, published over 10 scientific articles.
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